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Bacterial Reproduction and Exchanges of Genetic Material

Binary Fission

-DNA Replication: an exact copy of chromosome is made

-Cell elongates

-Finally decides in 2

-Asexual Reproduction: no games required, no partners needed

-More bacteria but little genetic diversity except for random mutations that occur during DNA replication

-Very fast process in optimal conditions


Bacterial Conjugation

-Bacteria have a single circular chromosome of DNA that contains all the genes necessary for growth and reproduction

-Some bacteria have an additional smaller piece of circular DNA called a plasmid that carries extra genes

-Many bacteria are able to transfer copies of the plasmid into another bacteria through a conjugation tube

-Half od the plasmid DNA ladder is traceried across

-A new half of plasmid DNA ladder is constructed

-Conjugation tube breaks

-Often the conjugation tube will break before the transfer is complete so that the recipient cell revokes a slightly different version of the plasmid


Bacterial Transformation

-Bacteria can also pick up DNA from their environment

-The bacteria can incorporate these plasmids and express these genes, therefore they have been transformed


Bacterial Transduction

-The movement of bacterial DNA from one bacterium to another via a viral vector (lysogenic cycle of viral replication)

-Viral DNA infects host cell

-VIRAL DNA inserts into DNA for latent stage

-Viral DNA excises itself to enter the lytic stage and picks up bacterial DNA

-Viral components structured and assembled (pieces of bacterial DNA are packaged into viral protein coats)

-Cells burst releasing viruses to infect other cells

-Not bacterial reproduction but is a source of genetic variation in bacteria

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