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Life requires energy- photosynthesis and cellular respiration are 2 ways or providing thus energy.


In cellular respiration, oxygen is consumed as sugar that is then broken down into carbon dioxide and water; the cell captures the energy released in ATP. This process takes place in mitochondria of almost all eukaryotic cells- plants, animals, fungi, protists. Although prokaryotes don’t have mitochondria, some do break down sugar in a similar type of oxygen-using respiration. 


Breathing supplies the oxygen for cellular respiration and removes the carbon dioxide. 


The human body uses energy from ATP for all its activities.


Cells capture energy from electrons “falling” from organic fuels to oxygen. Electrons removed from fuel molecules (oxidation) are transferred to NAD+ (reduction). NADH passes electrons to an electron transport chain. As electrons “fall” from carrier to carrier and finally energy is O2 released.


Glycolysis harvests chemical energy by oxidizing glucose to pyruvate. ATP is used to prime a glucose molecule which is spilt into 2. These 3-carbon intermediates are oxidized to two molecules of pyruvate which leads to 2 ATP and 2 NADH. 


Pyruvate is oxidized in preparation for the citric acid cycle. The oxidation of pyruvate yields acetyl CoA are added and a 2CO2 are released. 


The citric acid cycle completes the oxidation of organic molecules, generating many NADH and FADH2 molecules.


Most ATP production occurs my oxidative phosphorylation.


Fermentation is anaerobic- it allows cells to produce ATP without oxygen. 


ETHICAL ISSUES- Animal Usage with Respirometer 

There is controversy over animal involvement with the respirometer- whether it is completely essential to use animals or not, whether they can be safely taken out of their natural habitat and returned to their habitats to peaceful like their lives, whether the respirometer will cause them any pain, whether it is really necessary to use mammals, if you can use plant material instead.



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