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Creating Coacervates

Creating Coacervates

Finding the Presence of Coacervates in a Solution

AP Biology, Mod 5

Abstract: Coacervates are formed when proteins, carbohydrates, and other particles are combined, and have been found to possess certain qualities of a living cell. The development of coacervates in a solution was studied by mixing several mixtures of gum arabic and gelatin, and hydrochloric acid. The pH levels of the solution were tested throughout the experiment. Coacervates were found present in the solution and studied through the use of a microscope.

Introduction: The concepts of optimal conditions and organic compounds are examined through this lab and how they come together to create proto-life (coacervates), which contain organic compounds and some properties of life. The coacervates were made using the materials, gum arabic, HCL, and gelatin; these materials are present in combinations of proteins and carbohydrates, which may have created coacervates in ancient oceans. The pH levels of the coacervates was recorded, when the test tube, which the coacervates were created in, turned cloudy. The cloudiness of the test tube indicated the presence of coacervates.

Methods: This study was conducted at New Tech High @ Coppell under the facilitation of Mrs. Wootton on October, 1 2015. Throughout the experiment the group constantly recorded the information in a table and took pictures of each of the processes. Initially we began by putting in a 5:3 ratio of gelatin to gum arabic in a test tube. After obtaining the liquid substance we used a pipette and pH paper to record the acidity of the gelatin and gum arabic solution. The group then added HCl one drop at a time until the test tube became cloudy to indicate the coacervates. Once again the group measured the pH of the substance then examined a sample under the microscope. Each group member then proceeded to look at the coacervate and began to sketch the images they saw. After the sketches were completed, the group added additional drops until the substance became clear and tested the pH of the solution.

Results: When we didn’t add any HCl to the gelatin mixture, the ph was 5 and the mixture was clear. After putting it into the microscope, we could not see any coacervates growing. After adding 2 drops of HCl into the gelatin solution and slightly mixing, the solution became cloudy and the pH level was 4. When placed under a microscope, we could see figures that could depict a cell and could be inferred to be coacervates. They contained parts that looked like organelles, cytoplasm, and a cell membrane. When adding 8 more drops of HCl into the solution, it became clear again and had a pH of 1. When observed under a microscope, the solution lost all its coacervates and nothing significant was found.

Discussion: As our results portrayed, we successfully created coacervates through combining simple organic compounds. The combination of GelatinI(protein), Gum Arabic(carbohydrate), and HCl when in precise measurements will produce coacervates. Our experiment shows clusters of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids binding in a membrane-like shell. This phenomenon results in the production of proto-life or coacervates. Using a microscope, we observed these cell-like structures in the solution. It can be concluded that the ideal acidity to grow coacervates in is 4 pH because when the solution was lower or higher, no coacervates was observed. Although the coacervates displayed many properties that living cell do, it is important to understand that they are not living entities but in fact organic compounds bounded together by a membrane. Coacervates can’t perform certain tasks, such as reproduction or maintaining homeostasis or evolve, but simply represent the building blocks for cells that can. Certain theories state that coacervates were the early stages before life actually began. They used chemical processes to obtain organic compounds from the ancient oceans for food sources. Possible error in our experiment could be the specific quantity of HCl added by each drop. Despite this, our experiment produced its expected final result without any outliers in our data.

Conclusion: The purpose of this lab was to see how coacervates are created and how to distinguish their cell properties when examining them through a microscope. We know now that by combining a variety of organic compounds, such as the protein from the gelatin and the carbohydrates from the gum arabic, the coacervates can indeed form an outer layer, similar to a membrane or cell wall. However, we also know that coacervates are in fact not considered living organisms, despite their structure, because they do not carry out the functions that a living cell would need to do consistently in order to maintain its living status. To be considered living, coacervates would need to be able to regulate their internal environment and transport materials within themselves.

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