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Stages of Mitosis





1. Of the four stages of mitosis, which one takes the most time to complete?

Prophase takes the most time to complete. We can tell this because most of the cells are in that stage, so the nature of probability dictates so.

2. Which is the shortest stage in duration?

Anaphase is the shortest stage in duration. We can tell this because the least amount of cells are in that stage, so the nature of probability dictates so.

3. What would happen if the process of mitosis skipped metaphase? telophase?

If metaphase was skipped in the process of mitosis, the chromosomal pairs would not move to the two opposite sides of the cell properly. One cell would then probably have all the chromosomal pairs, while the other has none. The cell with all the chromosomal pairs would then malfunction and die and the other cell which has no chromosomal pairs wouldn't be able to function properly so it would die as well. If telophase was skipped in the process of mitosis, the cell would have twice as many cell organelles and chromosomes. It would not develop and divide properly which would cause both cells most likely to die.

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